BrillBrill offers access to the archives of scientific journals (1853-2012) devoted to the humanities and social sciences, international law, and biology. As well as research works, published between 1961 and 2020, specialized in Greek and Roman religion.
Cambridge CoreSeveral hundred books, including Cambridge Companions, Cambridge Histories Online and a selection of books in Political Science and Law are accessible. As well as all multi-disciplinary journals and the archives of 300 newspapers covering the period 1770-2010.
JstorAcademic platform for English-language journals and books in the humanities and social sciences.
Oxford Handbooks OnlineOxford Handbooks Online offers over 1,000 hanbooks in the humanities, social sciences, sciences and law. The full texts of books on Business & Management, Economics & finance, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion and Sociology are accessible.
Oxford Very Short IntroductionsVery Short Introductions is a series of books published by Oxford University Press. These books are concise introductions (equivalent to the French “Que sais-je?” and “Repères”) written by experts. Access the full text of hundreds of books in the humanities, social sciences, arts and law.
Proquest Ebook CentralProQuest EBC provides access to a collection of over 200,000 academic books covering the humanities, social sciences, economics/business and law. Thousands of publishers, including university presses, are represented. In addition, the library acquires dozens of titles a year on this platform.
The first time you wish to check out an eBook or suggest a new title, Proquest will ask you to create an account, that will be validated by the library, please use your Sciences Po email address.
SpringerLinkSpringerLink is a content platform specialising in the sciences and social sciences, offering collections of e-books and journals, as well as protocols, conference proceedings and reference works. The library provides access to around ten Springer journals as well as several hundred scientific journals and thousands of books published by Springer.
Taylor & Francis - ebooksTaylor & Francis - ebooks offers several thousand full-text books as well as hundreds of articles from books available on the platform. The main fields of study are international relations and politics, social sciences, geography, sociology and philosophy.
EuropresseEuropresse provides access to more than ten thousand sources with national, regional, generalist and specialist press titles, as well as numerous press agency dispatches. Content can be accessed in two ways: by keyword to compile press reviews, or by consulting publications in PDF format. No mobile application.
FactivaInternational and multilingual general press platform.
Financial TimesPlatform for the Financial Times , the British business and financial daily newspaper.
New York TimesA subscription to The New York Times provides access to the newspaper's articles on its website and mobile version.
Here is a list of some of our most recent acquired books and ebooks in English: no less than 71 titles!
You are always welcome to suggest book purchases for the library.
Global Arbitration ReviewOnline journal specialising in international arbitration.
HeinonlineHeinonline covers areas such as legal history, US politics, government and international law. It provides access to hundreds of full-text law journals, official documents case law and legal doctrine, particularly from the anglophone world and more specifically from North America. It also includes monographs analysing famous court cases and biographies of some of history's greatest lawyers..
Jus MundiJus Mundi is a search engine specialized in international law and investment arbitration, containing international treaties, judgments and arbitral awards.
Kluwer ArbitrationKluwer Arbitration offers a range of academic journals (such as Revue de l'arbitrage) and several hundred books on international commercial arbitration law. A News section and arbitration tools are also available.
Kluwer Law OnlineKluwer Law Online provides information and an overview of the latest developments in international, regional and national legislation, regulation and case law in a number of different areas. The library provides access to three law journals published by Wolters Kluwer: Common Market Law Review, European Foreign Affairs Review, Journal of World Trade.
Oxford bibliographies OnlineDatabase providing peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies and short encyclopedia entries.
WestlawWestlaw provides access to numerous jurisdictions, primarily the United States, but also including the European Union, Australia and Korea. It offers comprehensive coverage of legal and legislative sources in these territories. Finally, it offers full-text access to legal journals.
Westlaw UKWestlaw UK provides access to British case law, including Sweet and Maxwell Law reports. In addition, it offers all consolidated legislation since 1220 for statutes and 1948 for decrees. Additional documentation includes decrees, analyses, books and law reviews. This database complements Westlaw, which covers international law.
CairnDigital library for Humanities and social sciences ; Science, Technology and Medicine ; Law and Administration.
DallozDalloz provides access to six subject databases: administrative law, civil law, business law, labor law, real estate law and criminal law. In addition, the database provides access to full-text versions of Dalloz journals since 1990.
Éditions Francis lefebvreContains encyclopaedias and law reviews published by Francis Lefebvre covering French labor, company and tax laws.
Éditions LégislativesELnet. guarantees access to the ten or so permanent dictionaries, practical information sheets, models, legal guides and tools published by Editions législatives. The areas covered are employment law, tax law, business law, procedures, public procurement, company difficulties, property law, agricultural law, insurance law, sports law, the environment and nuisances, bioethics and biotechnology, and immigration law.
LamylineLamyline provides access to Lamy legal publications, as well as official national and European texts, treaties and case law in the fields of private, public and European law.
Le DoctrinalThe Doctrinal offers hundreds of thousands of bibliographic records of articles and a hundred or so journals, as well as French and European case law and legislation.
Lexis 360Lexis 360 intelligence provides access to the resources offered by LexisNexis, including the Jurisclasseurs journals and encyclopedias collection, as well as reference journals such as La Semaine Juridique. Full-text access has been available since 1995. The portal also offers a search facility for case law and doctrine, with 85,000 articles from 150 journals.
LextensoLextenso provides access to dozens of legal journals such as Bulletin Joly Bourse, Bulletin Joly Sociétés, Cahiers de l'arbitrage, Gazette du Palais, Petites Affiches, Répertoire du Notariat Defrénois, Revue des Contrats, Revue générale du Droit des Assurances, etc, as well as judicial, constitutional and administrative case law. The areas covered are private law, public law and criminal sciences. The library does not subscribe to the site, which is the Lextenso news site.
Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La HayeThe Coursebook is a comprehensive collection of over 1,000 lectures, published in English and French, given at The Hague Academy of International Law since its foundation in 1923.
Pascal Laffitte
Bibliothécaire référent en droit
Law Librarian
T. +33 (0)1 45 49 56 48
Meet me :
at the Saint-Thomas library on Monday 12:30-14:30 pm
at the Saint-Guillaume library on Friday 15:30-16:30 pm
Dernière mise à jour: Feb 18, 2025 1:53 PM