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Promoting your research is a key component of a publishing strategy. It will help you to build your research profile and ensure your work is findable, accessible and visible. In this page, you will find some advice and tools for managing your academic profile. 


Make your research findable

  • Optimize metadata for bringing your work to the top of search results (title, author names and affiliations, date of publication, subject keywords, abstract)
  • Choose carefully titles and abstracts for encouraging readers to go beyond (see this page Search engine optimization (SEO) for your article by Wiley)
  • Use DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) when you link your work online in order to avoid broken links (if the publisher havent' assigned a DOI, contact the Library, we can create it!)


Make sure your are recognisable

  • Be consistent in the way you use your name as an author 
  • Always write your affiliation address clearly and consistent (see the Sciences Po signature charter)
  • Create an ORCID ID to ensure that you can’t be confused with other authors, and provide it when you publish
  • If you have multiple profiles link them together!


Share your research online

  • Publish in open access journals or with open access publishers (via the library publishing agreements or the Library open access fund)
  • Deposit a copy of your work in a repository (Spire-HAL)
  • Make your data accessible by depositing it in a repository (data.ciencesPo)


Maximize the impact of your research

  • Use social media to promote your latest publications 
  • Monitor your author profiles in Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science to be sure all your articles are included
  • Check your online profiles by using specialised search engines (Visibility CheckWebmii)


Useful link

  • Promote your research is a complete guide to increase the visibility, citation rate and research impact of your outputs by Univeristy College of Dublin



ORCID, an international and independent identifier

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) is a global non-profit organisation that provides a unique identifier for researchers to link their outputs with their research identity and make it easier to share verified, validated information. It is the most effective step you can take to ensure your work is findable and attributed to you! It is also work with many systems and actors involved in the research system. For example, it can be requested by a publisher when submitting an article, for a funding application or to respond to a call, or when entering an evaluation file.



How to register?

  • Create your ID from this page
  • If you are not certain whether you have an ORCID iD, try searching for yourself at ORCID.org
  • You can transfer data to your ORCID ID from other researcher ID such as ResearcherID and Scopus Author Identifier

How to feed your ID?

  • Add your publications by different ways (Search & Link, BibTeX, PubMed, DOI or manually)

How to optimize your ID?

  • Update your profile information, including affiliation
  • Link your profile with other identifiers (IdHAL, Scopus ID, Researcher ID, etc.) for better referencing 
  • Add and share your ID in all your email signatures and communications but also on your various digital profiles (websites, online cv, social networks, etc.)

Tips for researchers


Citation profiles

Citation profiles will ensure all of your publications covered by these databases are correctly attributed to you, and give you an overview of your citation performance.

  • Google Scholar Profile allows you to create a public (or private) profile that collects publications and citations from the Google Scholar search engine
  • Scopus Author ID (Elsevier) allows you to see a list of your publications and view citation metrics such as h-index measures, citation counts, publications and co-authors ; It is automatically generated if you have a publication indexed in the database
  • Researcher ID (Web of Science) allows you to aggregate your research activity as authors, journal editors, and peer reviewers ; since 2019, ResearcherID is managed with Publons.

You can link your Scopus Author ID and ResearcherID to ORCID to make sure they’re both up to date!


There are numerous social media platforms you can use to promote your work. Choose carefully the one(s) that suits you best and don't forget to separate your professional social media use from your personal. 


Social media


Scholarly networks 

  • ResearchGate is one of the largest academic social media, mainly used for STM ; you need to have an institutional email address to create an account
  • Academia.edu is another large social media for researchers, but more used for social and humanities ; you can create an account with any email address
  • SSRN is a social science repository where you can upload abstracts and preprints and interact with other researchers in your field of interest ; you can create a detailed author page to share your research publications ; the site was acquired by Elsevier in 2016
  • Mendeley is a reference management software and an academic social network  that allows you to create a profile and groups for sharing articles and notes ; the tool was acquired by Elsevier in 2013
  • Hypothèses is a platform for humanities and social science research blogs ; it is part of OpenEdition, a digital publishing infrastructure for the dissemination of humanities and social science publications 



Alternative metrics  measure and monitor the reach and impact of research through online interactions beyond the traditional methods of citation and journal impact factors. Their score is not linked to a platform or to the popularity of a researcher but gathers data from different tools (social media networks, blogs, online media, video platforms, library catalogues, bibliograhic databases...) :

  • Atmetric bookmarklet allows you to follow the evolution of the impact of an article on social networks (from social and traditional media to policy documents to blogs)
  • Impactstory  is a free service that tracks the buzz surrounding your research output on Twitter, blogs, and news outlets ; you can register for free with a Twitter account
  • Plum Analytics provides article-level altmetric data (known as PlumX Metrics) through databases and journal webpages
  • Publish or Perish is a software program that analyses academic citations ; it uses Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search data to create a impact profile for individual authors







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The signature of a scientific publication is key to national and international visibility and recognition of the authors as well as their research units and institutions. Since 2016, Sciences Po has adopted a signature charter for defining simple rules:

  • Your identity (name surname)
  • Your affiliation (Sciences Po followed by the name of the research unit to which you belong)
  • The city and country of your institution (Paris, France)


The two most common cases at Sciences Po are:

1. People affiliated with a Sciences Po research unit (CHSP, Law School, medialab, OFCE)
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Name of the research unit (Acronym)", "Paris", "France".

2. People affiliated with a research unit associated with CNRS (CERI, CEE, CSO, Department of Economics, CRIS, CEVIPOF, CDSP)
"Name Surname", "Sciences Po", "Name of the research unit (Acronym)", "CNRS", "Paris", "France".


Dernière mise à jour: Feb 28, 2025 1:03 PM