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Zotero : manage your references and your bibliography


Version française

Zotero and more

to try it is to love it!

We hope we’ve convinced you of Zotero’s advantages and helped you understand how it works.

This guide was largely inspired by the wide range of open access content about Zotero already available, which is worth taking a look at:

Migrating to Zotero

migrating to zotero

Migrating to Zotero

You can import a bibliography written in Word to Zotero (references typed directly into the document, not using the Word bibliography module).

 AnyStyle.io converts bibliographic references in text mode (Word, etc.) into a format that can be imported into Zotero:

  • select the bibliographic references in Word and copy them (Ctrl+C);
  • on Anystyle, paste the text into Parse your references here...;
  • click Parse x references;
  • in section 2. Edit, assign the right information types to the references. To do so, click on the information to be changed and click Assign Label;

For example: in one reference, I notice that “London/New York” is in the Book title line. I select the “London/New York” box, click Assign Label, and then click Location. This step can be tedious and time-consuming.

  • in section 3. Save, click BibTeX. An Export.bib file is created;
  • in Zotero, go to File > Import and select the Export.bib file;
  • check all the references imported into Zotero (authors, item type, etc.).

To find out more, watch the Université de Montréal tutorial:


If your bibliography consists mainly of books with ISBNs, there’s also a magic trick you can use—see Import a list of identifiers.

In EndNote  :

  • choose File > Export;
  • enter the name of the file;
  • choose Text File in the Type box;
  • select RefMan (RIS) Export in the Output Style box.

In Zotero :

  • choose File > Import;
  • select the file on your computer;
  • click OK.

Please note: The RIS import filter is the best one for transferring references between EndNote and Zotero. Only the main fields are transferable, however. This means that some information may be lost during the process.

Watch the full tutorial from the Université of Montréal.

Since version 2 of Mendeley, this is no longer possible.

Official Zotero blog

official zotero blog

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french zotero blog

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To move further

Other than Zotero

there are other tools out there...

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of other bibliographic management software applicable to the social sciences and humanities


If you have any questions about these tools, please contact us.

need help?

Contact us!

Anna Couthures-Idrizi, Sophie Forcadell, Marie Mittelette & Noémie Prevel


or come to the research library at Saint Thomas Library (no appointment necessary)

Every Thursday from 13.30 to 15.30 // Wednesday from 11:30 to 13.30 and then from 14.30 to 16.30 // Tuesday from 12.30 to 14.30.


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Dernière mise à jour: Feb 10, 2025 1:41 PM