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Sciences Po School of Research style
Citations & bibliographies
Generating a bibliography in your word processor
To sum up
Definition: a set of rules dictating the format and order in which the bibliographic elements of a cited document are provided.
Each style is a particular mode of displaying the bibliographic information about a document as a whole and they can be interchanged with Zotero.
There are two main style types:
There is an integrated catalogue of 9,900 styles in Zotero: the Zotero Style Repository.
To find the right style, you can:
In Zotero:
To include URLs of paper articles in references, tick the corresponding box in Zotero Preferences.
Your initial choice of citation style is totally reversible.
From your word processor:
The Editor Citation Styles website lets you search for the style that best suits your needs:
The Library has created two new bibliographic styles for Zotero.
These styles were developed with the support of the Sciences Po School of Research in response to a recurring request from students and doctoral researchers. They are based on previous recommendations.
You can discover and install these French styles here.
The Author-Date style lets you insert in-text citations, while the Note style is used to create footnotes.
These styles cover most types of documents commonly cited at Sciences Po: books & chapters, encyclopaedias & dictionaries, articles, theses & dissertations, maps, videos, audio files, illustrations, legislation, websites, blog posts, instant messaging & social networks, reports & working papers, patents, conference papers, programs & software.
These styles also manage citations for documents with more than three authors, translators, a specific edition, or an original date of publication; and the use of ibid in footnotes.
A few tips for using them:
These styles can be adapted to suit your requirements, if necessary.
Feel free to email us at zotero.bib@sciencespo.fr!
Contact us!
Anna Couthures-Idrizi, Sophie Forcadell, Marie Mittelette & Noémie Prevel
or come to the research library at Saint Thomas Library (no appointment necessary)
Every Thursday from 13.30 to 15.30 // Wednesday from 11:30 to 13.30 and then from 14.30 to 16.30 // Tuesday from 12.30 to 14.30.