" "
Collecting items
Sync & backup
Changing style in the course of a project
Sciences Po School of Research style
Citations & bibliographies
Generating a bibliography in your word processor
To sum up
Zotero was initially designed as a Firefox extension but is now available as a logiciel Standalone to install on your computer (Windows, MacOS X, Linux, Linux 64bits).
You also need to install:
All of Zotero’s settings can be found in the Preferences menu (for PC: Edit > Preferences; for Mac: Zotero menu > Preferences):
Once you have installed the Zotero Word or LibreOffice plugin, you will see a specific toolbar in your word processing program.
It’s important to make sure that the Zotero application is open so that the plugin can connect to your Zotero library.
If the toolbar does not appear in your word processor: in Zotero > Preferences > Cite > Word processors , choose (Re-)Install Microsoft Word Add-In or (Re-)Install LibreOffice Add-In.
Many plugins have been developed to allow users to customise Zotero.
Here is the directory of Zotero plugins.
To install a plugin, download the file (usually with an .xpi extension) to your computer. Then open Zotero, go to Tools -> Plugins, click the gear icon on the right, select Install Plugin from File, and select the file you downloaded.
Among the useful plugins, we recommend PDF Translate, which lets you translate into a wide range of languages thanks to the availability of translators such as Google and DeepL.
Check that the Zotero extension (connector) is properly installed in each of your usual browsers. It’s this extension that enables references to be retrieved automatically.
Install connectors
Contact us!
Anna Couthures-Idrizi, Sophie Forcadell, Marie Mittelette & Noémie Prevel
or come to the research library at Saint Thomas Library (no appointment necessary)
Every Thursday from 13.30 to 15.30 // Wednesday from 11:30 to 13.30 and then from 14.30 to 16.30 // Tuesday from 12.30 to 14.30.