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Students and faculty, we're here to answer all your questions about this bibliographic management software and citing your references.
Anna Couthures-Idrizi, Sophie Forcadell & Noémie Prevel
Collecting items
Sync & backup
Changing style in the course of a project
Sciences Po School of Research style
Citations & bibliographies
Generating a bibliography in your word processor
To sum up
Zotero is a tool for managing bibliographic references. It can help you:
Art Work |
Journal Article |
Contact us!
Anna Couthures-Idrizi, Sophie Forcadell, Marie Mittelette & Noémie Prevel
or come to the research library at Saint Thomas Library (no appointment necessary)
Every Thursday from 13.30 to 15.30 // Wednesday from 9 to 11.30 and then from 14.30 to 16.30 // Tuesday from 12.30 to 14.30.
In January 2020, the Library made two new bibliographic styles available in Zotero.
These styles were developed with the support of the Sciences Po Doctoral School in response to a recurring request from students and doctoral researchers. They are based on previous recommendations.
You can discover and install these French styles here.
The Author-Date style lets you insert in-text citations, while the Note style is used to create footnotes.
Now you needn’t have any doubts about your citations... these styles adapt to almost all types of document.
If you have any questions or comments, please write to zotero.bib@sciencespo.fr
And for everything you need to know about installing these styles, check out the guide under the Styles tab.