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By depositing your data in a repository, you ensure that they are preserved, reused, and shared, thanks to their documentation and associated metadata.
For more information...
You have the choice between open or restricted access. In the case of restricted access, you can choose the persons with whom you wish to share your data (collaborators, reviewers, etc.).
If you are a researcher, PhD, engineer at a Sciences Po research centre, you can submit all the data you have produced.
If you are a researcher, PhD, engineer at a Sciences Po research centre, this guidebook (FR) will help you to deposit your data
this guidebook (FR) will help you to download data made available
Which licenses to use to share your data?
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that offers 6 types of licenses to share its data while facilitating dissemination, sharing and reuse.
Created by the Open Knowledge Foundation to freely share data (version ).
Designed by Etalab to facilitate and encourage the reuse of public data made available free of charge.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique code which makes it possible to identify digital objects. This identifier allows you to track the object, in this case a dataset, but it could just as well be an ISBN or an ISSN.
A DOI is automatically assigned for each dataset deposited in data.sciencespo.
More information: data.bib@sciencespo.fr
VIsit our guide
Open Access
[Video] Déposer ses données de recherche : pourquoi, quoi, quand, où et comment ?, Doranum
Credits: This guide is written by the Library Research Data team in collaboration with the Sciences Po research centers, the Office for Research (DS) and the Office of Information Systems (DSI). For more information, please contact the Data team: data.bib@sciencespo.fr. Translation : Anita Beldiman-Moore, Sophie Forcadell from the Library.
Legal notices: https://www.sciencespo.fr/bibliotheque/en/legal-notices.html