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Research Data

Groom your data!

Use a naming convention for your files and choose formats appropriate to your needs. Organizing your data hierarchically will allow you to save time and work optimally in collaboration with your colleagues, as well as to reuse your data at any time.

We are available to provide practical advice.


Following rules for file naming will ensure the readability of your data over time.
To facilitate the naming process, it is essential to establish and share these rules in writing with all the members of your team.
Always maintain the same order for the elements of a filename. 
Sciences Po suggests that you follow 6 recommendations to name your files correctly.

► 7 recommandations
1. Short but meaningful

The filename should contain enough information to be comprehensible beyond its storage location. Try nonetheless to avoid including redundant or unnecessary information.

DMP.pdf  |data management plan.pdf

RapportActivitePolitis2018.pdf  |rapport d’activité du projet politis 2018.pdf

2. Never use spaces

Distinguish the elements of a filename using capitals, underscores (“_”).

PolitisDMP.pdf  |DMP du projet Politis.pdf

Politis_budget_2019.xls  |Politis budget 19.xls

3. No special characters

Do not use characters with accents or special characters: à é `ù % , { } ! @ $ € & * ().

Politis_Budget_Prev.pdf  |Politis(Budget_Prévisionnel).pdf

Politis_DMP_ethique.pdf  |Politis DMP & éthique.pdf

4. Sorting informations

For records of the same type, always use the same order for the files.

Politis_Budget_2019.pdf et Politis_Rapport_2019.pdf  |Politis_Budget_2019.pdf et Rapport_2019_Politis.pdf

​EntretienSyndicat.wav et EntretienONG.wav  |EntretienSyndicat.wav et ONGEntretien.wav

5. Numbering: identical structure

Always use the same number of characters: e.g., 1-9, 01-99, 001-999, etc.

Politis_entretien01.wav [...] Politis_entretien26.wav  |Politis_entretien1.wav [...] Politis_entretien26.wav

Budget2015.wav [...] Budget2019.wav  |Budget2015.wav [...] Budget19.wav

6. Formatted dates

​​Use numbers only: e.g., YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or YYYY or YYYY-YYYY.

Politis_CR_20180910  |CR 10 septembre 18

Politis_budget20182019  |budget 2018-19

7. Version

Use the reference “V” followed by a number to indicate the version. Indicate drafts using “Vdraft”.

rapportV01  |rapport version 1


How to manage your field photographs or all the images that constitute your corpus?


How can you organize your data so that you can easily find your files and share them with your collaborators?
Using an appropriate folder structure.

[Video] Research Data Management : Organise, Massey University

►​ Data folder structure (case 1)

Model : https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/manage-data/format/organising


Data folder structure (case 2)

A model for a simple structure that enables you to organized all the data, publications and administrative documents for a particular project.
Source : http://nikola.me/folder_structure.html


Which file formats are best for tabulated data, text, sound, images, video, etc.?
This question should be posed from the very outset of your research in order to be able to reuse, share, and preserve your data.
Follow the recommendations of UK Data Services : Recommended formats

Credits: This guide is written by the Library Research Data team in collaboration with the Sciences Po research centers, the Office for Research (DS) and the Office of Information Systems (DSI). For more information, please contact the Data team: data.bib@sciencespo.fr. Translation : Anita Beldiman-Moore, Sophie Forcadell from the Library.

Legal notices: https://www.sciencespo.fr/bibliotheque/en/legal-notices.html

Dernière mise à jour: Oct 18, 2021 5:34 PM