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Guides thématiques

Research Data



Research data is at the core of all scientific research. It comes in various forms (text, image, sound, video), media (paper, analog, digital), formats (notebooks, cassettes, files, structured databases, etc.), and types (raw, processed, and derived).

How can you ensure the readability of your data over time, from one project to another? How do you satisfy the requirement of funders to provide a data management plan? How should you share your data so that your peers can best understand your research? In short, how do you maximize the impact of your work?

By optimizing the management of your data! Researchers, engineers, here are some preliminary answers to your questions.



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The management of research data has become a major issue today in the human and social sciences. This represents the culmination of several developments in the field of research around the world, including: open access to scientific and technical information, the administration of scientific proof in order to certify results, the reuse of datasets, and the promotion and protection of scientific heritage.
Since 2015, Sciences Po has developed a range of services and tools for the management of research data, following the creation of the institutional open archive SPIRE. 
The project [FR] is headed up by the Office of Resources and Scientific Information (DRIS), in collaboration with the Office of Research (DS), the Office of Information Systems (DSI), the Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP) and the research centers of Sciences Po.

Identifying ethical risks and obligations
Registering the personal data processing
Consent form

Borrow me !

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Cyril Heude
cyril.heude@sciencespo.fr data.bib@sciencespo.fr

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Et en vrai ?
Rendez-vous à la bibliothèque Saint Guillaume le mardi (16h30-19h30) ou à la bibliothèque de recherche du campus Saint Thomas le vendredi à l'heure du déjeuner (12h-13h30) ou dans vos bureaux/labos de l'aube frémissante au crépuscule envoûtant.

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Credits: This guide is written by the Library Research Data team in collaboration with the Sciences Po research centers, the Office for Research (DS) and the Office of Information Systems (DSI). For more information, please contact the Data team: data.bib@sciencespo.fr. Translation : Anita Beldiman-Moore, Sophie Forcadell from the Library.

Legal notices: https://www.sciencespo.fr/bibliotheque/en/legal-notices.html

Dernière mise à jour: Oct 18, 2021 5:34 PM