" "
Et aussi :
Madagascar | Institut National de la Statistique |
Malawi | National Statistical Office of Malawi |
Mali | l’Institut National de la Statistique |
Mauritania | Office National de la Statistique |
Mauritius | Statistics Mauritius Office |
Morocco | Direction de la Statistique |
Mozambique | Instituto Nacional de Estatistica |
Namibia | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Niger | Institut National de la Statistique |
Nigeria | National Bureau of Statistics |
Rwanda | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
Sao Tome and Principe | Instituto Nacional de Estatisticas |
Senegal | Agence Nationale de la Statistique de la Demographie |
Seychelles | National Bureau of Statistics |
Sierra Leone | Statistics Sierra Leone |
South Africa | Statistics South Africa |
South Sudan | National Bureau of Statistics |
Saint Helena | Statisitics |
Sudan | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Swaziland | Central Statistical Office |
Togo | Direction Generale de la Statistique et de la Comptabilite Nationale |
Tunisia | Institut national de la statistique |
Uganda | Uganda Bureau of Statistics |
United Republic of Tanzania | National Bureau of Statistics |
Zambia | Central Statistical Office of Zambia |
Zimbabwe | ZIMSTAT |
Armenia |
Azerbaijan | State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic |
Bahrain |
Central Informatics Organisation - Statistics |
Bangladesh | Bureau of Statistics |
Bhutan | National Statistics Bureau |
Brunei Darussalam |
Statistics- Department of Economic Planning and Development |
Cambodia | National Institute of Statistics |
China | National Bureau of Statistics of China |
China, Hong Kong SAR | Census and Statistics Department |
China, Macao SAR | Statistics and Census Service |
Cyprus | Statistical Service of the Republica of Cyprus |
Et aussi :
Georgia | National Statistics Office of Georgia |
India | |
Indonesia | BPS- Statistics Indonesia |
Iran | Statistical Centre of Iran |
Iraq | Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (COSIT) |
Israel | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Japan | |
Jordan | Department of Statistics |
Kazakhstan | Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan | National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic |
Korea, Republic of | Statistcs Korea |
Kuwait | Central Statistical Office |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Department of Statistics |
Lebanon | Central Administration for Statistics |
Malaysia | Department of Statistics Malaysia |
Maldives | Department of National Planning |
Mongolia | National Statistical Office |
Myanmar | Central Statistical Organization |
Nepal | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Oman | National Center for Statistics & Information |
Pakistan | |
Philippines | |
Qatar | Statistics Authority |
Saudi Arabia | Ministry of Economy and Planning |
Singapore | Singapore Department of Statistics |
Sri Lanka | Department of Census and Statistics |
State of Palestine | Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics |
Syrian Arab Repblic | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Tajikistan | State Statistical Committee of Tajikistan |
Thailand | National Statistical Office |
Timor Leste | Direcçáo Nacional de Estatistica |
Turkey | Turkish Statistical Institute |
United Arab Emirates | National Bureau of Statistics |
Uzbekistan | State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics |
Viet Nam | General Statistics Office |
Yemen | Central Statistical Office |
Australia | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
Cook Islands | Cook Islands Statistics Office |
Fiji | Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics |
Guam | Bureau of Statistics and Plans |
Kiribati | National Statistics Office |
Micronesia, Federated States of | Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) |
Marshall Islands | |
Nauru | Nauru Bureau of Statistics |
New Zealand | Statistics New Zealand |
Niue | Niue Statistics |
Northern Mariana Islands | Department of Commerce: Central Statistics Division |
Palau | Palau Statistics |
Papua New Guinea | National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea |
Samoa | Samoa Bureau of Statistics |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands National Statistics Office |
Tokelau | Tokelau: Statistics Unit |
Tonga | Tonga Department of Statistics |
Tuvalu | Central Statistics Department |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu National Statistics Office |
Anguilla | Statistics Department |
Argentina | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos |
Aruba | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Bahamas | Department of Statistics |
Barbados | Barbados Statistical Service |
Belize | Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) |
Bermuda | Department of Statistics |
Bolivia | Instituto Nacional de Estadística |
Brazil | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) |
Et aussi :
Data.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal,
Govinfo provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) is a intergovernmental regional organization that groups 26 Latin American and Caribbean countries.
IDB Key development indicators for a country related to its macroeconomic profile, global integration, and social outlook. Compare the indicator value for each country with the regional average.
Access Country profiles of Latin America and the Caribbean (selected indicators)
Canada | Statistics Canada |
Cayman Islands | Economics and Statistics Office |
Chile | Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas |
Colombia | Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) |
Costa Rica | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos |
Cuba | Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas |
Curaçao | Central Bureau of Statistics |
Dominican Republic | Oficina Nacional de Estadística |
Ecuador | Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos |
El Salvador | Dirección General de Estadística y Censos |
Guatemala | Instituto Nacional de Estadística |
Guyana | Bureau of Statistics |
Haiti | Institut Haïtien de Statistique et d’Informatique |
Jamaica | Statistical Institute of Jamaica |
Åland Islands | Statistics Åland |
Albania | Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) |
Andorra | Departament d'Estadística |
Austria | Statistics Austria |
Belarus | National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus |
Belgium | Statistics Belgium |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
Bulgaria | National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria |
Croatia | Croatian Bureau of Statistics |
Czech Republic | Czech Statistical Office |
Et aussi :
Denmark | Statistics Denmark |
Estonia | Statistics Estonia |
Faroe Islands | Statistics Faroe Islands |
Finland | Statistics Finland |
France | Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques |
Le Portail de la statistique publique française | |
Germany | Federal Statistical Office |
Greece | National Statistical Service of Greece |
Greenland | Statistics Greenland |
Hungary | Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Iceland | Statistics Iceland |
Ireland | Central Statistics Office Ireland |
Italy | National Institut of Statistics |
Latvia | Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia |
Liechtenstein | Bureau of Statistics |
Lithuania | Statistics Lithuania |
Luxembourg | STATEC |
Malta | National Statistics Office |
Moldova | National Bureau of Statistics |
Monaco | Official Government Portal |
Montenegro | Statistical Office of Montenegro |
Netherlands | |
Norway | Statistics Norway |
Poland | Central Statistical Office |
Portugal | Instituto Nacional de Estatística |
Romania | National Institute of Statistics |
Russian Federation | Federal State Statistics Service |
San Marino | Office of Economic Planning Data Processing and Statistics |
Serbia | Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia |
Slovakia | Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic |
Slovenia | Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia |
Spain | Instituto Nacional de Estadística |
Sweden | Statistics Sweden |
Switzerland | Swiss Federal Statistical Office |
The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia | State Statistical Office |
Ukraine | The State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine |
United Kingdom |
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