Do you need information on the history databases and collections at the Sciences Po library?
These pages are for you.
History collections at the library
The history collections in direct access are located in the St. Thomas library.
But 94% of the history print books and journals are stored in our close stacks. You can consult them or borrow them after having requested them online in
the library catalogue.
You can also consult the Sciences Po archives. More info
here (FR).
Find more info about the Sciences Po Library collections on
our website.
Sciences Po Library : Practical information
Online thematic encyclopaedias
Brill's Encyclopedia of China onlineThe original reference work of about a thousand pages on China, with a focus on the modern period from the mid-18th to the 21st century
Encyclopaedia of Islam (Brill"s)sets out the present state of our knowledge of the Islamic World and reflects the great diversity of current scholarship. It is accompanied by a glossary, an index and a historical atlas
Encyclopaedia JudaicaProvides an exhaustive and organized overview of Jewish life and knowledge from the Second Temple period to the contemporary State of Israel, from Rabbinic to modern Yiddish literature, from Kabbalah to "Americana" and from Zionism to the contribution of Jews to world cultures.
New PaulyReference encyclopaedia on Antiquity
two sections : Greco-Roman antiquity (from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe) and Classical Tradition
Where to find history ebooks
Cambridge Histories OnlineMore than 400 reference ebooks dealing with a historical period, the history of a country or the history of religions, philosophy, arts or sciences
CyberlibrisPlatform of academic ebooks including many in history
Oxford handbooks onlineAccess to the full text of reference works in history, sociology, religion, political science, economy, law...
Oxford very short introductionsLaunched by Oxford University Press in 1995, Very Short Introductions offer concise introductions to a diverse range of subject areas : Arts & Humanities, Law, Social Science.
Proquest ebooks centralPlatform giving access to a catalog of more than 200,000 ebooks from leading academic and professional publishers, mainly in English.
The first time you wish to check out an eBook or suggest a new title, Proquest will ask you to create an account, that will be validated by the library, please use your Sciences Po email address.
History databases
Bibliothèque numérique de Sciences PoFrom a corpus of nearly 900,000 texts, with a view to heritage, encyclopaedia and research, the digital library covers several collections: Archives, monographs, periodicals, electoral documents, unicas and memoirs.
U.K. parliamentary papers : House of Common 19th CenturyThe corpus includes more than 80,700 digitized parliamentary documents produced by the House of Commons between 1801 and 1900, a rich primary source for the study of the British Empire in the 19th century and its relations with the world.
Oxford bibliographiesAccess to bibliographies in history via the following subjects : International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Ecology and International Law
The European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) - 1991-2007EBSEES contains around 85 000 citations to journal articles published from 1991 to 2007 in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Switzerland. Covers the social sciences and the humanities for Slavic and East European areas.
Eighteenth century collections onlineConsisting of every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century (around 180 000 titles), along with thousands of important works from the Americas.
Press online and press archives
Le Monde : ProQuest Historical Newspapers (FR)historical archives of the newspaper Le Monde from 1944 to 2000
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Bibliotheksportal (GER)1.6 million articles from F.A.Z., Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung and Rhein-Main-Zeitung (since 1993), FAZ.Net (since 1996) and F.A.Z. Magazin (1996-1999, since 2013), in pdf and/or facsimile format.
The New York TimesAll archives available
To create a new account remotely, please follow the link below:
The Times of India (1861-2011) - Proquest Historical Newspaperpopular English-language newspaper published in India.
Times of India articles since 2011 are available in Factiva.
On the platform consult the following titles : The Bombay times and journal of commerce (1838-1859), The Bombay times and standard (1860-1861), and The times of India (1861-2011).
The Guardian - The Observer - Proquest Historical Newspapersarchives of British newspapers :
- The Guardian (1959-2003)
- The Manchester Guardian (1821-1825)
- The Manchester Guardian (1828-1900)
- The Manchester Guardian (1901-1959)
- The Manchester Guardian and British Volunteer (1825-1828)
- The Observer (1791-2003) and The Observer Magazine (1964-1989)
Financial Timesthe entire Financial Times platform, from the most recent issue of one of the five print editions (without embargo) to 8 years of archives, as well as the many other media offered (reports, etc)
FactivaMore than 35,000 leading sources from 157 countries in 26 languages, including a collection of regional and industry publications, press agencies dispatches, Web and blog content, financial news and companies profile.
EuropresseAccess to more than 14,000 sources with foreign, national, regional, general and specialized press titles, as well as numerous news agency dispatches.
Online reading and availability of PDF publication for more than 900 titles.
Global Press Archive - East ViewAccess to the archives of various newspapers:
Imperial Russian Newspapers (33 titles)
Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers (987 titles)
Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers (292 titles)
Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers (79 titles)
South Asian Newspapers (10 titles)
Southeast Asian Newspapers (125 titles)
Elephind4,235 mainly English-language newspaper titles digitised
Developed by The Library of Congress, this site provides information on American historical newspapers from 1690 onwards and access to an extensive collection of digitised newspapers from 1789 to 1925.
Hemeroteca Digital - Bibliothèque numérique hispanique de la Biblioteca Nacional de EspañaDigitised archive of Spanish newspapers
Retronews (FR)Explore three centuries of French newspapers, digitized and editorialized by topics.
Dernière mise à jour: Jan 8, 2025 1:34 PM