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Guides thématiques


Do you need information on the history databases and collections at the Sciences Po library?

These pages are for you.

History librarian

Profile Photo
Muriel Dennefeld
01 45 49 51 78
Jeudi 9h-10h30 : Saint-Thomas - Bibliothèque de recherche /
Thursday 9-10:30 - Research library

History collections at the library

The history collections in direct access are located in the St. Thomas library.
But 94% of the history print books and journals are stored in our close stacks. You can consult them or borrow them after having requested them online in the library catalogue.
You can also consult the Sciences Po archives. More info here (FR).
Find more info about the Sciences Po Library collections on our website.


Online thematic encyclopaedias

Where to find history ebooks

History databases

Press online and press archives



Dernière mise à jour: Jul 2, 2024 11:06 AM